Employment Opportunities

Full Time Utility Specialist

SALEM CITY is now accepting applications for employment for a Full Time Utility Specialist forms can be picked up at the Salem City Office, 30 West 100 South, between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Friday
Applications will be accepted until position is filled.

see employment opportunities for job description


On June 19, 2024, Mayor Christensen and the Salem City Council signed a Resolution for Kindness, committing to meeting the necessary requirements to become a Certified City of Kindness through the One Kind Act a Day organization. As a result, Salem City has created the Kindness Creates Peace initiative. Our hope is to both recognize and encourage the kind acts taking place in our community. Please click the provided link to take the Kindness Pledge and join our social media pages. We hope all of our citizens will get involved in the many kindness opportunities coming your way.  https://kcp.davidcorey.dev/




Fiber to YOUR home is coming to Salem. 

Click the link below to learn more about our amazing fiber optic project and how you can connect to the fastest fiber network in Utah.





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