Resolution 01/08/2025 - Resolution 10825 - A resolution adopting Salem City Parks, Trails, Landscape and irrigation standards
Approved 12/16/2024 - Resolution 121124 - Resolution authorizing participation in the UMPA Shared Solar Program
Approved 12/16/2024 - Ordinance 121124 - An Ordinance amending Title 11, Public Utilities and Services Chapter 1 - Electric Power - Net Metering, Salem City Code
Approved 11/20/2024 - Ordinance 112024A - Amendment to Impact Fee Enactment Ordinance for Sewer Treatment Impact Fees
Approved 10/16/2024 - Ordinance 101624B - An Ordinance changing the zoning designation of certain property within Salem City, known as the Tri Pointe Homes Zone Change
Approved 10/16/2024 - Ordinance 101624A - An Ordinance changing the zoning designation of certain property within Salem City, known as the Coldwater Creek Zone Change Approved 09/18/2024 - Resolution 91824 - A resolution amending the Salem City Employee Personnel Policy
Approved 8/21/2024 - Ordinance 82124B - An Ordinance allowing 200 water connections and prior to the completion of BYU East well house and associated pumping equipment, provided that the Viridian Water tank is complete, and connected to the existing Salem City water system.
Approved 8/21/2024 - Ordinance 82124A - An Ordinance changing the zoning designation of certain property within Salem City, known as the Rex Larsen (Thorntree Estates) zone change
Approved 08/07/2024 - Resolution 80724B- A Resolution amending a policy statement regarding the establishment of Public Infrastructure Districts
Approved 08/07/2024 - Resolution 80724A - A Resolution of the City Council (The "Council") of the City of Salem, Utah (The "City"), Appointing individuals to the Board of Trustees of NS Public Infrastructure District No.2
Approved 7/17/2024 - Ordinance 71724C - An Ordinance amending Title 13, Chapter 3 - Plats required, Salem City Code
Approved 7/17/2024 - Ordinance 71724B - An Ordinance amending Title 6, Chapter 7 - Off Premise Signs, Salem City Code
Approved 7/17/2024 - Ordinance 71724A - An Ordinance amending the General Plan Moderate Income Housing Element
Approved 06/19/2024 - Resolution 61924C - A Resolution Proposing Property Tax Rate for 2024
Approved 6/19/2024 - Resolution 61924A - Resolution for Kindness
Approved 06/05/2024 - Resolution 60524C - Amendment of Salem City Fee/Rate Schedule for addition of application fee for pioneering, connectors or impact fee reimbursement agreements
Approved 06/05/2024 - Resolution 60524B - Amendment of Salem City Fee/Rate Schedule for addition of sidewalk, driveway approach and curb and gutter bond
Approved 06/05/2024 - Resolution 60524A - Discontinuance of Policy Statement regarding the establishment of Public Infrastructure Districts
Approved 05/15/2024 - Resolution 51524B - A Resolution amending Residential Electric Utility Rates
Approved 05/15/2024 - Resolution 51524A - A Resolution dissolving Electric Rate 110 - Industrial Rate and Creating a new rate 110-Commercial with Primary Voltage
Approved 05/01/2024 - Ordinance 50124B - Amendment to Impact Fee Enactment Ordinance for Transportation Impact Fees
Approved 05/01/2024 - Ordinance 50124A - An Ordinance amending Title 6, Chapter 2 - Alcoholic Beverages, Salem City Code
Approved 05/01/2024 - Resolution 50124B - A Resolution designating a survey area, authorizing the preparation of draft community reinvestment project area plans and budgets, and authorizing and directing all necessary action by the agency, staff, and counsel
Approved 05/01/2024 - Resolution 50124A - A Resolution authorizing an increase of city pick up of public safety and firefighter employee retirement contributions
Approved 04/03/2024 - Resolution 40324C - An resolution re-approving the Arrowhead Springs creation (PID) Public Infrastructure District No. 2
Approved 04/03/2024 - Resolution 40324B - A Resolution creation of NS (PID) Public Infrastructure District Nos. 1,2,3,4 and 5
Approved 04/03/2024 - Resolution 40324A - A Resolution creation of Fields Estates (PID) Public Infrastructure District Nos. 1
Approved 04/03/2024 - Ordinance 40324 - An Ordinance changing the zoning designation of certain property within Salem City, known as The Alan Curtis zone change
Approved 03/06/2024 - Ordinance 30624 - An Ordinance annexing and zoning property known as Water Canyon Annexation
Approved 02/21/2024 - Resolution 22124B - A Resolution appointing city councilman Paul Taylor to the Board of the Mount Nebo Water Agency (MNWA) with the City Engineer serving as alternate
Approved 02/21/2024 - Resolution 22124A - A Resolution creation of Three Bridges (PID) Public Infrastructure District nos. 1,2,3 and 4
Approved 02/21/2024 - Ordinance 22124G - An Ordinance reapproving annexing and zoning property known as Soren Christensen West Annexation
Approved 02/21/2024 - Ordinance 22124F - An Ordinance reapproving annexing and zoning property known as Cook Annexation
Approved 02/21/2024 - Ordinance 212124E - Amendment to Impact Fee Enactment Ordinance for Transportation Impact Fees
Approved 02/21/2024 - Ordinance 22124D - Amendment to Impact Fee Enactment Ordinance for Power Facilities Impact Fees
Approved 02/21/2024 - Ordinance 22124C - An Ordinance amending Title 11, Chapter 6 - Secondary Water, Salem City Code
Approved 02/21/2024 - Ordinance 22124B - An Ordinance amending Title 6, Chapter 7 - Off Premise Signs, Salem City Code
Approved 02/21/2024 - Ordinance 22124A - An Ordinance amending Title 2, Chapter 15 - Development Review Committee, Salem City Code
Approved 01/17/2024 - Ordinance 11724 - An Ordinance amending Title Thirteen-Subdivisions, Salem City Code