Headstone Search

Lyman Curtis Headstone

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Salem City
Cemetery Headstone Index

CLICK HERE to download the cemetery directory.

Salem City Cemetery

 Cemetery Notice

For the safety of our Maintenance Crew and all visitors, glass containers, including those used for candles, are strictly prohibited. These items create a significant safety risk for our maintenance crew and others visiting the cemetery.  Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in keeping our cemetery safe and welcoming for everyone.

Shepherd's hooks and similar objects will no longer be allowed at the Salem City Cemetery! There have been circumstances where the hooks have caused harm to our maintenance crews, with serious injury occurring in a neighboring community. To create a safer environment for both our crews and citizens, it has been decided that hooks must be removed by May 1, 2024. After this date, hooks will be disposed of by city crews, with any future placed hooks being removed immediately. 

Salem City Cemetery is Open daily from dawn till dusk.

Cemetery Address:
965 South 140 East
Salem, UT 84653

From State Road 198, turn South on 100 East and proceed to 850 South,
Turn East (Left) at 850 South
Turn South (Right) at 140 East, head South to the cemetery (about 0.10 of a mile).

CLICK HERE for cemetery rules.
(All cemetery decorations will be discarded by the cemetery crew when they are determined to be old, unsightly, or create maintenance problems.  Unless the decorations are confined to the headstone and surrounding concrete border, they will be removed.  Any decorations displayed on the grass or that spill out onto the grass will be discarded by the Cemetery crew.)
Thank you for helping the City keep the cemetery grounds beautiful and well-kept!

Please note that the plots listed as un-owned on the interactive map,
are not accurate.  Please contact Salem City office to find out plots that are available.

CLICK HERE to go to an interactive map of Salem City Cemetery.

Salem Cemetery Old Section                             New Section    

CLICK HERE to download a map of                   CLICK HERE to download a map of  
Section A of the Cemetery                                  Section B & C of the cemetery.

Pricing:  Please see Salem City Fee Schedule, located under City Information tab, or contact Salem City Office.