Useful LinksBeekeepers As a service to communities, Utah County has provided a service to protect the honey bee from being destroyed. They have set up a website where people can contact them in case they have a swarm of Honey Bees in their yard. The web page is located at http://
Government ULCT Utah League of Cities and Towns - An association of Utah municipalities since 1907. UMPA Utah Municipal Power Agency - An Intergovernmental entity organized under the Utah Interlocal Co-operation Act. Preparedness
Everything Under the Sun blog spotA Prepared Home articles written by Salem's own Dawn Van Nosdol.
Schools Salem Hills High School - Salem Hills High School Home Page Salem Junior High School - Salem Junior High School Home Page Salem Elementary - Salem Elementary School Home Page Mt. Loafer Elementary - Mt. Loafer Elementary School Home Page Foothills Elementary - Foothills Elementary School Home Page Valley View Middle School - Valley View Middle School Home Page Power and Water
UMPA Utah Municipal Power Agency - An Intergovernmental entity organized under the Utah Interlocal Co-operation Act.H2O Use Learn to be truly water efficient! Health
PandemicFlu.gov One stop access to U.S. Government avian and pandemic flu information. Managed by the Department of Health and Human Services. Has info on national, local, family, and individual response plans.Utah County Health Department: The Utah County Health Department is your local health authority. The UCHD's goal is to promote health, and prevent avoidable disease and injury by monitoring the health of our community, and assuring conditions in which people can be healthy. For a list of services and programs please see our web site at www.UtahCountyHealth.org. Our latest Annual Report, hours and locations, and other information all available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can also follow us at www.Facebook.com/uchealthor www.Twitter.com/uchd. Mental Health Resource Guide for Teens go to https://www.innerbody.com/mental-health-resources-for-teens Relocation Resource
Salem City Cemetery Records Partial Listing of Markers from Salem Cemetery.https://www.inmyarea.com/internet/utah This site is easy to use and will help individuals find the best providers for Internet, Cable TV, Renters Insurance, and Utilities available in their specific area by entering their zip code. This service is at no cost and includes free relocation consultants.
Cemetery Records Spanish Fork-Salem Area Chamber of Commerce
Spanish Fork-Salem Area Chamber of Commerce Website |