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or on Instagram at salempolice_utah

Traffic School

For information on Traffic School
Click Here

Public Safety Department

Emergency 911

Police Department 801-423-2312

After Hours 801-798-5600

Poison Control Center 1-800-222-1222

Public Safety Notice/Alerts

 Scam Notice:

 Salem City Police have received reports that citizens are currently receiving phone calls from an individual claiming to be a Salem Police Officer. The caller is threatening immediate payment for warrants or unpaid fees or they will be arrested.

This is a scam and please do not respond or provide any financial information.

If you have any questions please contact Salem City Police at 801-423-2312.


You can now register your dog online at

In order to receive a license in the mail you will need to  email a copy of your rabies certificate to This way they can verify the information and that the rabies shots are current.  If you have any questions please contact the South Valley Animal Shelter at 801-851-4080



Salem City has a NEW Exchange Zone. 

It is located on the East Side of the Salem City Office 

at 90 South Main Street.


click here for more information 



 Nuisance Abatement


Salem City has ordinances in place regarding nuisance abatement on property.  Nuisances include but are not limited to the following.  Inoperable vehicle's, noxious or unsightly weeds, debris including trash, lumber, construction waste, bricks, tires or other items similar in nature. If you have any questions please feel free to to contact Officer Christensen of the Salem Police Department 801-423-2312.  click here for entire letter regarding nuisance abatement





 Effective Immediately: 


The Salem Police Department will no longer be accepting 
any types of sharps including needles.


Disposal Option:


South Valley Solid Waste District will take your sharps including needles.
You can drop medical needles off to them if they are in a sharp container or in a 2 liter soda bottle.You can purchase sharp containers at, Salem Hills Pharmacy, Walmart or by going online.


South Valley Solid Waste District
2450 West 400 South Springville, UT

(801) 489-3027  



Seniors Citizens Awareness Potential Fraud and Scams
Salem City Police Chief Brad James would like Senior Citizens and Family Members who have Senior Citizens to be aware of potential fraud and scam.    Below are two different links to help residents be aware:

“Clear guide to help people avoid and detect elder fraud”
Here is a guide Common Elderly Scams for our Senior Community. It includes the common fraud tactics and popular scams used on seniors. We hope you find this guide helpful.


 Senior Citizen Alert - Scam and Fraud (click here)  


Exchange Zone

Salem City Exchange Zone

Eastside of Salem City Office

90 South Main Street


The buying and selling of goods online, and exchanging them locally, have become more and more popular. Have you ever been scared to give your address out when selling something online? Wish you had somewhere else you could meet? Meeting at one’s home for these exchanges can be unsafe and is not recommended. You don’t know who you’re meeting. They’re a total stranger to you.  

The most difficult part of such sales is finding a place to meet to safely exchange items for money. Salem City has designated an area where an individual can come and feel a little safer. Salem City now has a designated, “Exchange Zone” located on the eastside of the city office. The zone is under constant video surveillance in a well-lit public area.  The zone can be used for online exchanges like Craigslist and indoor yard sale groups on Facebook.   

Within view of surveillance cameras, the zone is intended to be used by people who are meeting up for an online sale.  Or for couples who are involved in custody agreements and want a public place to pick up or exchange their children. Citizens will most likely be on their best behavior, knowing that they are in a public place and under video surveillance. We encourage you to do exchanges during daylight hours for safety reasons.

Remember it’s always a good idea to keep record of all communications, text and emails. You never know when you might become the victim to a scam.  And finally, if someone that you're dealing with does not want to meet you in this zone, you should probably reconsider making an exchange with them at all.

If you have any questions about the safety zone, feel free to contact me at the Salem City Police Department in person or at (801) 423-2312.

Chief Brad S. James

Salem City Police Department


Great Shake Out

We hope that you have participated in the Utah Great Shake Out.   Salem City Public Safety has put together a handout that would be very useful for you to go over with your families.  

 Great Shake Out Hand Out

You can also go to for more information.