Snow Removal PolicySalem City’s objective is to provide an adequate transportation system for vehicles properly equipped for winter driving conditions. Optimal conditions will be provided as soon as practicable after a storm. Certain streets have a higher intensity use and thus have a higher priority for snow removal. Salem City has established the following criteria for snow removal.
Priority 1: Primary streets, such as arterials and major collectors, that are determined to be the minimum network needed to provide the basic transportation system for public safety, schools, high volume streets, steep grades, etc. Priority 2: Secondary and residential routes and selected minor collector, bus routes and residential streets deemed desirable to be maintained as weather permits. Traffic lanes only. Areas which are prone to wind and drifting snow will receive priority. Priority 3: Remaining city streets including cul-de-sacs. Traffic lanes only, providing no cars are parked in roadway. Please note that it is not the position of Salem City to maintain a bare pavement policy nor to provide snow and ice removal on every city street during or after every snow storm. Therefore, after periods in which movement of traffic has occurred, snow plows no longer become an option to totally clear snow packed or icy streets, except to remove loose material on top. Remember that when driving on snowy or icy roads, you must slow down. Many accidents have happened because drivers did not slow down during these conditions. Be aware of the snow plows; do not make it harder for the drivers to do their jobs. You may not park your vehicles on the roadway between 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. from November 1 through March 1. Salem City also asks that residents please keep their sidewalk clear of snow. When you clear out your drive way, if you would push the snow to the left side of the driveway it helps so the snow plow drivers won’t push that snow back into your driveway. The post office has reminded us that it is the citizen’s responsibility to clear the snow away at their mailboxes. View snow removal priority map |